The collaborative work on structure and dynamics of a polysaccharide transporter is praised by European biophysicists
Warmest welcome to Marius!
Sustainability project launched!
Fluorescence sensors for membrane crowding by Löwe et al.
Im Rahmen eines Tenure-Track-Verfahrens ernannte Dr. Martin Goch, Kanzler der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHU), Juniorprofessor Dr. Alexej…
Ulrich Schulte verstarb zu früh am 16. Dezember 2022
Promiscuous bacterial chaperones assist in secretion of virulence factors
Starting 2022 with a lab hike! The highest spot of NRW is at our feet :-)))
Dr. Tim Kroll and Max Busch, M.Sc. are joining the team